April 26, 2006


Today Miss J met Mary Poppins at the library! Mary came into the room and went to J and held her hand as she danced around the room singing. Then the famous nanny asked all the children if they knew what a nanny was - and received blank stares. She then asked if anyone knew what a babysitter was. J said yes, and explained that "we are going on an airplane and when we're in China, we will meet our babysitter who is waiting for us." Mary Poppins was rather surprised that we'd go so far for a babysitter until I explained, "she means her baby SISTER is waiting in China." Big laugh from the audience. After more singing, tasting "medicine with sugar", and storytelling, Mary had special costumes for all the children. J was a wizard with purple cape and pointy hat and fancy wand. They had a parade to "Supercalifragalicious". Very fun.

Today I also received J's first-ever School Progress Report Card -- she did excellent! The teachers commented on how she loves to help others and is very nurturing. She is at, or well beyond, all skills sets. Tomorrow we will do something special to celebrate her great job at school this year.


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